Surrey Geeks specializes in delivering the customized enterprise web solutions to both the startups as well as the larger organizations. Our valuable clientele uses the enterprise solutions provided by us that can lead to the scaling of users from hundreds to thousands. Our team works closely with the clients and tailors customized enterprise web solutions according to their business needs.
The enterprise solutions provided at Surrey Geeks are made with the consideration of the aspect of conversion-centric design.We make sure that the web solutions are absolutely free of any distractions that can put the customers away. The choices presented to the customers are highlighted and the rest are made to land on a fresh page and we follow the Z-Pattern and F-Pattern of the layouts which is beneficial in terms of customer retention as people scan more than reading.
With the information architecture, we put up a compatible structure of how the content will be presented on the website. We pay attention to the architecture and the navigation so that the visitor finds the exact information that he/she is looking for on your website. Depending on the need of the business, we go with either the hierarchical or sequential and if required we can go with the matrix and alphabetical form as well. But this depends on how the client wants their website to be presented as.
Making an enterprise website mobile responsive is not just enough in the scenario of constant expansion. At Surrey Geeks, our team ensures that any content, ad, video,or information that goes out on the website should be matching with the mobile experience. Our designs give consistent experience on all screen sizes, with the ability to optimize the conversions while measuring the customer engagement and the content structure just like the experience on desktop.
It might be possible that the UX design and the business goals might be at odds but eventually a good design equalizes to a good business. Surrey Geeks make sure that the website is designed to be a good business tool but not at the cost of opting for a UX design that can lead to the downfall of the business goals in the longer run. We always facilitate the balance between your business goals and UX design that will be highly compatible with it.
Our mobile app development agency provides 24*7 support & maintenance even after the app is launched. Whenever, you want help we are always there for you. Simply contact us and we will solve all your queries. Moreover, we also ensure that your application runs smoothly and consistently by providing periodic maintenance.